Template for TBSI pre using Marp
- PowerPoint
- $\LaTeX$
- reveal.js
- impress.js
- Marp
- PowerPoint是最普遍的,然而对于强迫症患者而言,总是会执着于页面的布局,导致在使用该软件时,会消耗大量的时间在非内容本身;
- $\LaTeX$为本科毕设导师推荐,推荐一个平台——Overleaf,不管是写论文还是写课程作业都是一把好手,但是对于做演示文稿而言,有些大材小用;
- reveal.js 和 impress.js 是在摸鱼的时候发现的。 reveal.js 完全就是极简主义的代表;而impress.js 是真的 amazing 啊,但是需要强大的三维空间想象能力和脑洞,才能做出美轮美奂的演示。缺点是全程使用html(自动补全是必备)。另外这两个框架都得在包含css的文件夹里面运行,这就导致了一件尴尬的事情,比如说学校要求交演示文稿的ppt,别人都是一个pdf或者ppt,只有你交了一个文件夹。。。另外impress.js还对浏览器有要求。。。
- 而Marp就很舒服了呀,主要使用Markdown(对于博客老手来说简直是超级无敌大福利啊),打个数学公式啥的毫无难度,各种奇怪的字体类似 $\mathfrak{G},\mathbb{G}$ 手到擒来,如果需要复杂一点的渲染,我们可以使用html来补上,但是对于学术演示而言,不需要那么多花里胡哨的红橙黄绿青蓝紫,所以Marp简直是为学术演示而生!
marp: true
size: 16:9
footer {
bottom: 30px;
<!-- _footer: Author: LI Chen, TBSI -->
<div align=center>
# <!-- fit --> <font color="#f6e0e0">Template for TBSI pre <br/>using Marp</font>
<!-- <div align=center><font color="black"><b>Presenter</b>: </font><br/><font color="black"><b>Stu. ID</b>: XXXXXXXXXX</font></div> -->
**Presenter**: Your Name
**Date**: xxxx.xx.xx
# Background - 1
<!-- ![bg right](img/TBSI_slides_cover.jpg) -->
![bg right](img/Gate.png)
![bg left]()
![bg right]()
# Background - 2
<!-- _footer: Collected from: https://marpit.marp.app/image-syntax -->
Filters are easily reachable in Marp.
![bg left invert:50% drop-shadow:0,5px,10px,rgba(0,0,0,.4) sepia:1.0](img/Gate.png)
paginate: true
# Font
- the color of the text can be changed: <font color="purple">texttext</font> <font color=FF00FF>texttext</font> <font color="blue">texttext</font>
- the size of font can be modified as well: <small>text</small>, text, <big>text</big>, <big><big>text</big></big>, <big><big><big>text</big></big></big>
# Images - 1
Single image
<div align=center><img src="img\curse of dimensionality.png" width="60%"/><br/><small><b>figure 1</b>: the curse of dimensionality</small></div>
# Image - 2
Image matrix
<table align=center border="0">
<tr align=center>
<td><img src="img\curse of dimensionality.png" width="90%"/></td>
<td><img src="img\curse of dimensionality.png" width="60%"/></td>
<tr align=center>
<td><img src="img\curse of dimensionality.png" width="50%"/></td>
<td><img src="img\curse of dimensionality.png" width="80%"/></td>
# Formula
Inline formula can be realized by `$$`, like $y=x+1$, while letters like these can also be shown in slides: $\mathcal{X}, \mathfrak{G}, \mathit{R}, \mathbb{C}$.
Formula between lines:
If we want a formula with process, it's a good idea to align the `=` to make it look nice, like:
# Footer
footer only works on this slide: `<!-- _footer: Citation | Name | institution | Date-->`
footer works from this slide: `<!-- footer: Citation | Name | institution | Date-->`
<!-- _footer: Citation | Name | institution | Date-->
# Code
year = int(raw_input('year:\n'))
month = int(raw_input('month:\n'))
day = int(raw_input('day:\n'))
months = (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334)
if 0 <= month <= 12:
sum = months[month - 1]
print 'data error'
sum += day
leap = 0
if (year % 400 == 0) or ((year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0)):
leap = 1
if (leap == 1) and (month > 2):
sum += 1
print 'it is the %dth day.' % sum
# List
bullet list
- One
- Two
- Three
ordered list
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
# Table
A common table:
<div align=center>
| |1|2|4|5|6|7|8|
<small>Table 1: example</small>
If we want to set the format of the table with more complexity, we should use `html` as tools.